CH Phillips FamilyCH Phillips Family

General Orientation

Dear Volunteer,

You are about to embark on a challenge that will bring you into contact with some very talented athletes. These athletes train year-round for the opportunity to compete in Olympic-type sports. These are the athletes within Special Olympics. Volunteers are key to the success of Special Olympics athletes. Whether your volunteer responsibility is to coach, raise funds, provide medical assistance, distribute lunches or perform any number of other volunteer jobs, we could not conduct quality athlete training or competition without you. Your commitment to the well-being of Special Olympics athletes is evidenced by your participation in this General Orientation. You have come forward to accept the challenge to make the lives of our athletes better through sports. Whether at a one-day event or with a year-round program, the contributions you make will affect the lives of our athletes for years to come. Thank you for your commitment to the athletes of Special Olympics.

Jamie Heckerman
Special Olympics Arizona

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