Young Professionals Committee (YPC) members are entrepreneurial, ambitious individuals dedicated to advancing the efforts of Special Olympics Arizona through volunteering, fundraising, creating community awareness, and engaging young professionals.
Mission, Purpose, and Goals
Special Olympics Arizona’s Young Professionals Committee (YPC) is a group of entrepreneurial, ambitious individuals who are dedicated to advocating for people with intellectual disabilities and using their time, talents, and interests to advance the mission of Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ) through volunteering, fundraising, and community engagement.
SOAZ’s YPC is dedicated to building inclusion in their community through the following overarching goals:
- Grow awareness for SOAZ’s mission by educating peers and the community-at-large about individuals with intellectual disabilities and build awareness through strategic partnerships, events, fundraisers, and community engagement.
- Fundraise and provide volunteer support by opening new doors in the community to secure funding, expand volunteer networks, and collect in-kind support for SOAZ programs and initiatives
- Represent SOAZ and join a network of like-minded young professionals to build life-long relationships across the state of Arizona.
- Develop real-world leadership skills through professional, educational, and social opportunities and in addition to networking with existing SOAZ board members & other distinguished community leaders who support SOAZ.
YPC Requirements:
- Serve a minimum of one (1) one-year term on the YPB with an option to renew for additional terms with a maximum of 3 years served.
- Attend three out of four quarterly meetings
- Attend the annual YPC Signature event
- Support the planning and participation of new and existing fundraising events.
- Fundraise $250 for SOAZ
- Be under the age of 40 at the time of application
Function and Authority:
SOAZ YPC is an advisory committee with no policy setting authority for SOAZ and serves at the discretion of the SOAZ Board of Directors (BOD). SOAZ’s BOD and staff will each provide a liaison to the SOAZ YPC to provide guidance and networking support. SOAZ’s YPB will be self-governing and shall establish its meeting schedule, responsibilities for its members, and develop strategies to reach its objectives.
SOAZ’s YPC shall be compromised of no less than eight (8) and no more than fifteen (15) young professionals under the age of 40 who live and /or work in the State of Arizona with the goal of recruiting members from all regions in which SOAZ operates. Members will initially commit to a one-year term with the ability to renew up to two additional terms based on meeting membership requirements and SOAZ approval. Members shall not serve more than three consecutive years on the YPC. SOAZ YPC members will make a personal commitment to raise $250 annually, which shall be used for general support of SOAZ programs and initiatives.
Resignation and Removal:
Any YPC member may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the YPC Chair or the SOAZ staff representative. Any YPC member may be removed from the board for any cause by SOAZ staff. The removed YPC member shall be given an opportunity to appear before the executive YPC to explain, refute or otherwise negate the decision against them that constitute cause.