Sam Bryner
 Unified Basketball
Arizona State University Research Administrator
Sam works for ASU as a research administrator and has two children. His favorite Special Olympics experience is that he, has made lasting friendships and had opportunities to lead and serve that [he] would not have had otherwise. From a broader perspective it has opened [his] eyes to how important it is that everyone has chances for inclusion and acceptance.
Special Olympics provides that opportunity to so many and [he] could not be happier to be involved. Aside from Special Olympics, he enjoys watching television, rooting for his favorite sports teams, hiking, bowling, reading fiction books, listening to podcasts, writing and spending time with his family. He says that being selected to complete in the 2019 World Games at Abu Dhabi, is a dream come true and something that [he] never envisioned happening. To attend as part of this team is awesome.
I could not be happier to represent a country that I love and an organization that represents so many positive values. I am honored and privileged to be on this team.