About SOAZconnected
SOAZconnected is Special Olympics Arizona’s new strategy that allows us to continue to bring our programs and events to our athletes from the comfort of their own homes! While you can join any of our live classes through the website, we encourage joining our Facebook group “SOAZconnected” for all the most recent updates and information!
We focus on four different areas of engagement:
- Health and Fitness: Virtual health & fitness experiences improve physical, nutritional, social, and emotional wellness through live workouts, fitness challenges, healthy recipes, guided meditations, health education, and more.
- Arts: Virtual arts experiences empowers individuals of all abilities to explore artistic self-expression and showcase their creativity and talent through visual & performing arts opportunities including music, dance, theatre, painting, drawing, photography, and more.
- Social: Virtual social experiences promote inclusion & camaraderie by connecting individuals through interactive activities such as BINGO, trivia, scavenger hunts, dance parties, talent shows, coffee chats, and more.
- ESports: Virtual ESports experiences encourage team work and the development of critical thinking skills through both competitive and recreational play in a variety of multi-platform games, such as Rocket League, Fortnite, and more.
We are currently offering a wide range classes and events, check out our live events calendar to see what we have planned for this month!
How to Join our Live Classes and Events
Each of our events or classes will have a registration link provided on the event page on our website. Simply click the link and enter in your information, then you will be sent an email verifying your registration. Look out for a zoom link to the event and then all you have to do is join at the time and date of the event!
Below are some resources and activities that have been put together for our community to access during this trying time.
- eLearning Course: With the help of athletes and Program Staff, a 30-minute eLearning course has been developed for our Special Olympics community about COVID-19. This course is designed to cover the basic information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) including: what is the coronavirus, what are the symptoms, how does it spread, and how you can protect yourself. We encourage the entire Special Olympics community to complete this module at learn.specialolympics.org Please see instructions for accessing this course.
- Young Athletes
- Family Flash Cards. Fun and engaging flashcards featuring each of the individual activities and at home equipment modifications for families to use at home to run Young Athletes.
- Young Athletes At Home. Guide for families and caregivers on how to run Young Athletes activities at home.
- Young Athletes Videos. Videos demonstrating the individual Young Athletes activities.
- Tips for talking to children about Coronavirus 2019 from CDC and UNICEF.
- Fitness
- Fit 5 Resources Series
- Fit 5 Guide: Educational guide and tracker for athletes to focus on fitness.
- Fitness Cards: A series of leveled exercises in endurance, strength and flexibility. These cards can be done at home and with little equipment.
- Fitness Videos: Videos portraying the exercises in the fitness cards. Athletes can follow along with the videos to get a great workout!
- Fit 5 Resources Series
Thank you for your patience and understanding. This is uncharted territory and we appreciate your support as we work to make the best decisions for our athletes and everyone in the SOAZ community.